Thursday, August 04, 2016
[fm]: Apple says it's mended the pay gap for women and minorities
Women and minorities at Apple earn the same amount of money as their white, male co-workers in similar roles, the company said Wednesday.
Apple released its annual inclusion and diversity report, saying the company had achieved pay equity.
"Women earn one dollar for every dollar male employees earn. And underrepresented minorities earn one dollar for every dollar white employees earn," the report said. To put things in perspective, the White House says that in the US, women earn 78 cents to the dollar.
The pay gap is one of many issues related to diversity that companies in the tech industry face. Silicon Valley has had to confront tough questions about the treatment of women and minorities in tech, and the industry continues to struggle with issues surrounding recruitment, retention and promotion.
Apple isn't the first tech company to say it's reached equal pay. In April, Facebook and Microsoft also said they had no gender pay gap.
Apple's latest report shows that in 2016, 72 percent of the company's leadership is male, while only 28 percent is female. Whites make up 67 percent, Asians 21 percent, blacks 3 percent, Hispanics 7 percent, and 1 percent in leadership roles are multiracial. The balance is made up of other ethnicities and employees who didn't declare.
Apple's report also shows that overall, the company is 68 percent male and 32 percent female this year -- a move of one percentage point from last year when Apple reported 69 percent male and 31 percent female. Fifty-six percent of US employees at Apple are white, 19 percent are Asian, 9 percent are black, 12 percent are Hispanic and 2 percent are multiracial ethnicities.
Progress has inched along in tech, with year after year showing improvements of a percentage point or two. Looking just at tech jobs in the company, Apple is 77 percent male and 23 percent female. That's consistent with other tech companies, for the most part, which seem to get stuck somewhere around 30 percent female in technical roles.
There's another message in all of this: Apple seems to be committed to progress and to believe more can be made.
Where the company seems to be trying to move the needle the most is with new hires.
"Our new hires are more diverse than our current employees," the report says. Forty-six percent of new hires in the US are white, whereas, 56 percent of current employees are white. Those new hires are 37 percent female and 27 percent underrepresented minorities.
By: Erin Carson (CNet).
Photo: Times of Israel.
Review: Emerging Market Formulations & Research Unit, FLAGSHIP RECORDS.
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