WhatsApp, maker of one of the planet's most buzzed about mobile apps, has always tried to keep a low profile. That's not nearly as easy as it used to be.
In February 2014 Facebook paid $22 billion for the stealthy mobile messaging start-up. Since then, it has topped 1 billion users, a milestone Facebook has said is the first step toward contributing to the social network's bottom line.
Popular new features such as voice calls are broadening its appeal, especially overseas. People are now making more than 100 million voice calls each day from the messaging app.
WhatsApp has thrust itself into the international debate over smartphone privacy by introducing full encryption, making it more difficult — if not impossible — for law enforcement or anyone else to gain access to messages sent over the app.
Forcing Jan Koum, the company's reclusive co-founder and chief executive, even farther out of his shell is his goal for WhatsApp — that everyone with a smartphone use the messaging app.
"We're nowhere near that," Koum says of the goal. "But we hope that over a certain period of time we will get that critical mass."
One of the hurdles to achieving it? The United States, its home base. "Historically it has been a challenging market for us," Koum says. "There a lot of products that people use here."
Facebook paid a steep price for a mobile app with negligible revenue that, while widely used internationally, was less known in the United States. Yet its startling growth, faster even than Facebook's own in its early years, caught the attention of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Zuckerberg, determined to break into the growing mobile messaging market by betting on a promising new player, had twice tried to buy Snapchat. With Facebook's technical and financial heft, WhatsApp's audience has doubled since the acquisition
Koum, who sits on Facebook's board, runs the company largely independent of Facebook, in a building that does not bear the company name, about 10 miles from the social network's sprawling campus. A self-taught programmer and college dropout, he created the messaging app in 2009 with his one-time Yahoo colleague Brian Acton. People trade 42 billion messages, 1.6 billion photos and 250 million videos each day on the app.
With the growing ubiquity of WhatsApp, Koum, who for years assiduously avoided the media, has begun to open up, speaking with USA TODAY this week about WhatsApp's latest voice calling news, as well as the path it has charted to growing its global footprint and making money.
The voice-calling feature launched more than a year ago, plunging WhatsApp into a heated market where it competes with Microsoft's Skype service.
"We didn't think (voice calling) would become such a big part of our app," says Koum, who was born and raised in a small village outside of Kiev, Ukraine and immigrated to the U.S. when he was 16.
"A lot of people were writing in saying, 'We want to be able to make voice calls,'" Koum says, so Koum and Acton decided in 2013 to build it for them.
There were hiccups. Koum announced voice calls would be coming soon during Barcelona's Mobile World Congress, in 2014, shortly after the Facebook deal was announced, but the feature wasn't up and running until 2015.
"It was the first time ever in the history of the company that we pre-announced a feature, and we missed the deadline by a mile. That was embarrassing," Koum says. "The good part is when it launched it was really good quality."
WhatsApp's philosophy: To build products that can work on any device and on any network, no matter how primitive. For voice calling, that amounted to an engineering feat. People use WhatsApp to make voice calls on all kinds of devices, from Apple's iPhone and smartphones using Google's Android operating system to Microsoft's Windows Phone to phones made by Nokia.
Koum smiles evasively when asked about a rumored video-calling feature.
"One lesson we learned from announcing voice calls is that we are never going to announce anything again in the future," Koum says. "We don't really talk about our future plans. But we, at the same time, try to build things that our users ask us for."
So are users asking for video calls? "Our users ask us for everything," he says.
By far the biggest expectations for WhatsApp come from Wall Street. One of the main reasons Koum agreed to the Facebook acquisition was to get the freedom to concentrate on building features and growing the audience without having to worry too much about making money. Wall Street swallowed the acquisition, hoping it would eventually create a new revenue source for Facebook.
Koum is famously averse to advertising, the money-minting machine for Facebook and its photo-sharing service Instagram. In 2012, he and Acton published a pledge to never become "just another ad clearinghouse." Earlier this year Koum said WhatsApp would drop its only source of revenue, an annual renewal fee of $1, and would explore new business models, albeit not advertising.
The strategy that has emerged mimics Facebook's homegrown messaging app Messenger, which rolled out a chat bot platform in April for businesses to interact with customers on the Messenger app.
"It is really, really early stages of even thinking about it," says Koum. "The vision is you will be able to interact with businesses the same way you can interact with your friends. Hopefully we can execute on that in coming years."
In the meantime, WhatsApp is focused on growing its appeal. WhatsApp has greater global reach than nearly any other mobile app, dominant in India, Brazil and Africa where it was the first to offer people a cheap way to communicate over the Internet.
A key selling point in countries where people seek a safe haven from snooping governments: "end to end" encryption so that only the sender and receiver can read messages or see photos and videos. WhatsApp made the move as Apple and the FBI tangled over demands that Apple unlock its mobile phones. With the vast amount of communications flowing through WhatsApp, this kind of encryption, turned on by default for users, is even more challenging for law enforcement.
"We built it because our users all over the world would write in and want more privacy and more security in the product," Koum says. "It may not be not a large segment of our users. But when you are working on our scale, even 1%, 2% or 3% of users, that's a large number and we want them all to be able to use our product."
Encryption has gotten WhatsApp in hot water in Brazil where a series of clashes have led to periodic bans, disrupting the lives of the 100 million people who depend on the messaging service.
"In some countries, WhatsApp is like oxygen," and Brazil, says Koum, is one of those countries.
"If you can't get on WhatsApp, you can't communicate with your family, with your friends, with your group chat, with your co-workers. To use this kind of hammer by a judge to almost punish the entire population and cut them off from their friends and loved ones, obviously it's disappointing and depressing on many levels. We are trying to work through some of the issues with people in Brazil. But fundamentally, there is just certain situations where we don't have the content and we can't produce it. That's just the nature of how end-to-end encryption works."
Tighter encryption has not yet led China to block WhatsApp, where the dominant player, Tencent's messaging app WeChat, has kept WhatsApp from gaining a significant foothold.
"We have not heard (from the Chinese government)," Koum says. "To be 100% honest and blunt, we're also not doing extremely well in China."
That said, WhatsApp isn't giving up on China — or any other country for that matter. And that includes its own country, the United States, where it faces stiff competition from Facebook Messenger and Snapchat. Conceding any group of smartphone users would keep WhatsApp from reaching its goal.
"We continue to grow, and, just like with countries like China or other countries where we are not doing particularly well, we take a really long-term approach," Koum says. "As long as our user base continues to grow, at some point it will have critical mass, and at some point it will tip and at some point people will just have to use WhatsApp because their friends are using WhatsApp."
By: Jessica Guynn (USA Today).
Photo: USA Today.
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