
Friday, June 24, 2016

[fm]: We're one step closer to robot butlers doing our dishes

Say hello to SpotMini. The newest robot from the super-brains out of Alphabet's Boston Dynamics, this ridiculously cute bot is small enough to fit in your home and capable enough to do at least some of your chores.
Yes, we’re one step closer to robot butlers doing our dishes and bringing us beer and …  slipping on banana peels like cartoon characters. 
SpotMini is just 55 pounds, which is incredibly lightweight compared to Boston Dynamics’ other relatively large robots. It’s completely electric instead of also using hydraulics, which means it’s the company’s quietest robot, as well. 
In a video posted by Boston Dynamics to YouTube, SpotMini is seen walking into a mock-up of a typical suburban home, walking past a table where two people are sitting and avoiding bumping into another piece of furniture. The robot then ducks down and walks under the table like a dog.
Boston Dynamics then added an arm to the top of SpotMini, which makes it look like the cutest robot dinosaur ever created — though not as cool as the car-devouring Robosaurus.
The robot uses its arm to pick up a glass from a sink and place it into a dishwasher, then grab a soda can and drop it into a recycling can. 
To show off how stable the arm is, Boston Dynamics had SpotMini dance around in a circle while the arm stayed still. 
I grew up with video games, Transformers and “Jurassic Park,” so SpotMini is essentially my childhood come to life. Here’s hoping SpotMini actually makes it into our homes at some point in the future.

By: Daniel Howley (Yahoo). 
Photo: Boston Dynamics. 
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